Sunday, October 19, 2008

Because Some Things In Life Don't Make Sense
1. I just willingly gave Topshop >250$ in 2days under the guise of a sale.
The irony of the word 'sale' can be quite literal.

amongst 5 items bought, the above in petite size4 = GRAB.

also loving AnnSofieBack!

2. For someone who doesn't wear blush, my cheeks are currently remarkably rosy, so rosy it's actually in a state of startling redness thanks to Laneige's toner and facial cleanser. I will now vow to steer away from facial products with alcohol content, or risk looking like a clown suffering from occupational hazard of severe blush application addiction.

3. I've been waiting patiently for my AA tulip skirt which is taking ages to arrive because it's backordered. Why is AA in China but not in Sg!!?!? (answer to self: maybe they think Sg is a part of China) Hopefully Santa would be so kind to send it down my chimney this Christmas.


4. Wonderful lovely things spotted when I went out today but I decided to punish self for overspending by not buying anything.. Why do lovely things never pop up when you're dying to buy something )):

5. The way you make me feel